GetMet Feedback in Ukraine
“From our experience, it is more than needed at the front line… It is very good to know if there is a fragment there, rather than poking around with your fingers and looking for it by touching. So, thank you, guys, very much, together we are unbeatable!” – Genadiy Druzenko, Head of the 1st Volunteer Mobile Hospital (Autumn 2022)
’’And we also thank you, Finnish people, for this small but very useful equipment.’’ – Genadiy Druzenko (Leader Operations Big Medical Volunteer project since ‘14). Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital
’’It’s good that we can see in which area the fragment is located. With the help of x-rays, we confirm the presence, and then it will be possible to search locally. Because there is no portable X-ray using which we would be able to take multiple pictures. It would be very useful. We point and see the approximate localization from the magnet. Because we took x-rays and we know approximately where.’’ – Slavjansk Surgeon
“Very easy to use. Thanks a lot.” – Slavjansk Surgeon (Autumn 2022)